The new hit by the famous Cameri Theater play, “Grushim” by Gur Koren has arrived in NYC with a local production called Divorced. The play is presented in both Hebrew and English by amazing NYC based Israeli actors Here is an article about our production from Yediot America and an article about the Israeli production. About the play: They share a child, they share a past, but they have no future. A divorced couple dive into the depth of their complicated relationship and discover a true friendship no divorce can break. It’s moving, comedic and fully vaccinated If you like theater you do not want to miss this special experience! Divorced is the NYC version of the play Grushim. It is part of the Israeli Cameri Theater’s project, Out-of-the-Box, which takes theater to unconventional spaces and turns any living room into the actual set, as a unique, immersive, intimate experience.
Here is a short video about the experience: